57392 Schmallenberg
The event
The global food industry faces unprecedented challenges driven by climate change, depleting resources, volatile supply chains, and escalating food prices. These pressing issues demand a concerted effort towards sustainability and responsible practices. In response, 14 Fraunhofer Institutes are spearheading groundbreaking research across the entire food industry's entire value chain.
Their collaborative efforts encompass pioneering solutions in agriculture, product preservation, analytics, logistics, and sustainable technologies. Leveraging the collective expertise of 14 institutes within the Food Industry Alliance, part of the wider Fraunhofer network comprising 76 institutes, this alliance offers a unique scientific infrastructure and interdisciplinary knowledge base. It empowers food industry stakeholders to forge a path towards a sustainable and responsible food future.
The speakers will present exemplary insights from projects and efforts, respectively, on achieving high productivity in a digitalized world while maintaining a balance with other goals such as sustainability, resource efficiency, and productivity or enabling sustainable production and processing of agricultural products while preserving their biogenic value.
Prof. Dr. Mark Bücking, Managing Director Fraunhofer Alliance Food & Agriculture, Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology IME, Schmallenberg, Germany
Dr. Buket Sahin, Corporate Business Development Manager, Fraunhofer Agriculture and Food Industry Alliance, Munich, Germany