60489 Frankfurt
The event
Back in trend: fermentation. The traditional production process is gaining attention due to the increasing interest of end consumers in sustainable food. Thus, vegetable protein sources can be improved in quality, ensuring better digestibility and providing a balanced diet through fermentation. There are a variety of technical options for initiating fermentation. Learn more about the potential uses of enzymes and microorganisms in the fermentation of plant-based foods during the presentations.
Vegetable Protein Perspectives - Between Promise and Reality
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Danneel, Professor for Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, OWL University of Applied Sciences, Lemgo, Germany
Food Fermentations
Prof. Dr. Michael Gänzle, Professor and Canada Research Chair, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada
Prof. Dr. Sascha Rohn, Managing Director, Institute of Food Technology and Food Chemistry, Technical University of Berlin, Germany