19.03.2024 | 12:30 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
German with english subtitles
Food Packaging

STI - Gustav Stabernack GmbH STI Group
Richard-Stabernack-Str. 1
36341 Lauterbach
36341 Lauterbach
more information
Speakers Corner, Hall 10.1, F070/G081
The event
80% of the environmental impact of products is determined at a very early design stage. The 10x Design approach considers all relevant factors in the process, including product protection, unbox-ing experience, recyclability, and especially the requirements of the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR)
What food manufacturers can expect:
- Case studies that show how the circularity of packaging can be significantly improved.
- New materials and finishing techniques that are significantly more recyclable
- A checklist to improve the sustainability of your packaging design
Let’s go circular.