21.03.2024 | 3:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m.
Food Processing

Anuga FoodTec in Kooperation mit dfv Mediengruppe
Mainzer Landstraße 251
60326 Frankfurt am Main
60326 Frankfurt am Main
Innovation Stage, Hall 5.2, C100/D119
The event
1. predictive supply chain / predictive food chain - how intelligent solutions calculate the markets of tomorrow - Keynote: Olaf Deininger (OD), Editor-in-Chief newFOODeconomy, NEWMEAT, agrarzeitung
- Presentation "Market overview of predictive solutions"
2. circular livestock farming: how traditional animal production can become sustainable
3. dark factory: automated processes and automated process control in food production
Olaf Deininger
Editor-in-chief newFOODeconomy, NEWMEAT and agrarzeitung, dfv Mediengruppe, Frankfurt am Main, Germany

