10117 Berlin
The event
There are many new raw materials, products and processes coming onto the market in the field of plant proteins, cell culture and fermentation, but can we actually scale them up? A critical look at our current status and the opportunities that lie ahead.
Keynote speeches
Holistic concepts for the use of raw materials - oat okara as an example
Dr. Stephanie Mittermaier, Head of Department "Food Process Development", Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging, Freising, Germany
What does the new value chain look like, what are the technological possibilities?
Dominik Ewald, Head of Business Development and Transformtation, German AgriFood Society e.V., Berlin, Germany & Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research IGD, Rostock, Germany
Panel Discussion
Dr. Cornelius Lahme, Marketing & Kommunikations-Manager, Bluu GmbH, Berlin, Deutschland
Dominik Ewald, Bereichsleiter für Business Development und Transformation, German AgriFood Society e.V., Berlin, Deutschland & Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD, Rostock, Deutschland
Florentine Zieglowski, Mitgründerin, RESPECTfarms, Den Haag, Niederlande
Laura Gertenbach, CEO, Innocent Meat GmbH, Papendorf, Deutschland
Dr. Stephanie Mittermaier, Abteilungsleitung "Verfahrensentwicklung Lebensmittel", Fraunhofer Institut für Verfahrenstechnik und Verpackung, Freising, Deutschland
Olaf Deininger, Editor-in-Chief Agricultural Media, dfv - German specialist publisher GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, Germany