The event
Yes, side streams from food production are being put to good use. But there could be even better uses for them. We as an industry are busily exploring the opportunities to reduce our emissions and use of limited natural resources. So the alternative uses of side streams – for uses both in food and other industries, and for higher financial returns – are coming into focus.
Join us at this round table for an enlightening exchange on experiences, opportunities and challenges. What biomass do we have available in abundancy? What potential is hidden in it? What technologies can we use to lever its potential?
Bring your perspective to the table, discuss ideas and potential solutions, and together let’s forge new alliances for a more circular food industry,
Impulses by:
M. Lee Greene, Founder Food Horizons, Co-Founder Strategy and Ecosystem Development Foodhub NRW
Prof. Dr. Hans-Jürgen Danneel, Vice Director Institute for Life Science Technologies ILT.NRW TH OWL
Paul Greven, Co-Founder Keäcksack